AIBASKET at the second edition of the Congress of analytics applied to Basketball

Laia Espuny Planelles, Product Manager at AutomaticTV, was one of the protagonists of the second edition of the Congress on analytics applied to basketball organised by the Catalan Basketball Federation (FCBQ).

Espuny led a conference on AIBASKET, an innovative technology that allows the instantaneous synchronisation of the video of the games with the data collected in the digital records, offering a revolutionary solution to basketball federations and competitions.

“The combination of AI, video and live data that makes up AIBASKET provides a unique solution, becoming an essential tool for coaches and players in the processes of game analysis and technification,” Espuny explained at a congress that brought together some of the most prominent international voices in the world of analytics.

At Optimal Way, together with AutomaticTV, we continue to bet on the application of AI in the processes linked to analytics in basketball competitions to improve the knowledge of data and all the processes that help sports directors, coaches, players and fans.

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Optimal Way

Smart Technologies for Professional Sports

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